My Little Box July 2015 French Rivera Box

I have said quite often that I am a huge fan of My Little Box - a cute monthly subscription plan that offers both beauty and lifestyle pieces, delivered to the comfort of your home each month. Like everything in this sector of the beauty market it can be a little hit and miss - I do feel My Little Box get it right more than they do wrong but every now and then, there is what can only be described as a random box. Yep My Little Box July 2015 French Rivera Box is a little odd - from plant pots to sunglasses, you may be left scratching your head. I know I was...

My Little Box July 2015 French Rivera Box
My Little Box July 2015 French Rivera Box

As with every My Little Box not only do you receive a beautifully designed box, created to reflect the themed contents inside but also a small art work print and a magazine. This month it features Sarah Lavoine as the cover star (an interior designer), who has also selected some of the contents of this months box.

Yep My Little Box French Rivera Box contains plastic plant pots, I understand these are more of a nod Sarah Lavoine rather than the French Rivera. On the plus side they are fairly nautical in terms of design and double up as pen pots or even a place to stash make-up bits and pieces. There is also a pair of small, brown sunglasses which are pretty inoffensive and should suit all. I'm not sure, okay I am certain that they will not be a staple item within my wardrobe but they'd be great for an emergency. You can't really have too many pairs of sunglasses can you?

If I am entirely honest I was a little underwhelmed by the beauty selection within the My Little Box French Rivera Box, it feels very similar to what has been in previous boxes and dare I say it a little repetitive. Along with a blue nail polish there is a a My Little Beauty Sea Salt Scrub which does smell wonderful (very aquatic) and is great for buffing the skin. This little bag of goodies is finished off with the addition of Keratine Thermique Blow-Dry Care for Unruly Hair - I'd imagine this would be great for packaging in a case should you be visiting a humid location this Summer.

If I am completely honest, this box was not only a little bizarre but underwhelming. I'm hoping that the August edition will be a little more exciting and a little more considered in terms of contents.

You can subscribe to My Little Box within the UK here for £14.95 per month - link

This post contains a press sample.