Ladies and gentlemen not only do you have the chance of getting some cash back on unwanted fragrances (I'm sure we all have a few) but the opportunity to do help with what I'm sure we will all deem a very worthy cause. Kicking off today (Monday 13th January) is Escentual's #FragranceAmnesty Campaign to help benefit Give and Make Up.
Taking part is easy - all you have to do is tweet a picture of your unwanted scent to @Escentual with the #FragranceAmnesty hashtag and some info on the type of fragrances you normally go for. Not only will Escentual recommend a more suitable fragrance for you, but you'll also receive a £3 voucher towards a new scent of your own choice. What's more, if you send your unwanted fragrance to Escentual, they will pass it on to women's charity Give and Make Up and change your £3 voucher to one worth £7.
Give and Make Up passes on unwanted beauty products to women's domestic violence shelters across the UK. The women in these shelters have often fled their homes with only the absolute essentials, and the range of cosmetics and fragrances available for these very distressed women helps them regain a sense of normality, pick themselves up and build confidence.
Brilliant isn't it? Excuse me while I go and clear out!
- It goes without saying I was not compensated in shape or form for this post but wished to draw a worth campaign and cause to my readers attention.