Today is Guy Fawkes night so I thought it would be fitting to dig out a pretty glitter nail polish
as a subtle nod to the event - no fireworks for me tonight.
I also have a pointless piece of trivia - myself and Guy Fawkes share a birthday and he died on my brother's 
birthday. I did say it would be pointless, I just didn't mention that it was dull haha!

Isn't it funny how a black nail polish can completely transform the appearance of a glitter top coat?
On it's own Revlon Radiant has a definite mermaid ring to it but when applied over a black base
(once again I have went for Rococo's Black Crème) it reminds me of a night sky scattered with lots of tiny stars...I have a vivid imagination when it comes to nail polish.

I did plan on applying a different bright glitter top coat to each nail but as soon as I applied Radiant
over the black base I couldn't resist going the whole hog and applying it to all 10 nails
and I have to admit that I am rather pleased with the result.

Are you doing anything to mark Bonfire night?