November seems to be a great month for magazine freebies here in the U.K!

Free with Marie Clare this November (£3.70) you get both a Limited Edition L'Occitane hand cream (30ml)
which comes in four various scents, I of course went for the fruity delight that is Mango Flower.
But the freebies don't stop there with the kind folks at Dove popping in a really good sized sample
of their colour radiance express treatment conditioner (50ml).
Even if you don't read Marie Clare this is an issue you don't want to miss for the freebies alone!

With November's Instyle Magazine each issue comes with a deluxe sample of various Benetints (4ml):
Cha Cha Tint, Benetint and Sunbeam, I went for Cha Cha Tint as it is the only Benetint I do not
own in some form or other and will say I found it the hardest to source but oddly found lots of
Sunbeams...I thought it would be the other way around?

Happy magazine hunting!