It only seems like last week I began trailing this range when in-fact it has been over a month!
You can read my initial thoughts on the full range here - link but due to lack of availability 
I no longer use the shampoo or conditioner and have know solely been relying on the
growth treatment to work it's magic.

Since my first post I have went through 6 tubs of the growth treatment (approx one a week),
some may feel that at £7.99 per tub this is an expensive addition to a hair care routine
but I probably use more than the average person so I wouldn't think too much into it.
A person with fine hair and those with shorter hair than mine will probably use half of what I do!

So six weeks ago my hair was just over 17 inches and after 6 weeks it's nearly grew a full inch!
A hair growth of nearly an inch is impressive enough for me and justifies for now me continuing to use 
the treatment, not to mention it keeps my hair in tip top condition with a lovely scent!

I think monthly updates will work best for this process don't you?

Lee Stafford Growth Range from Boots stores with products starting at £6.99 - link