Okay be truthful just how much attention do you pay to your hands?
Are you like me and slick on a quick layer of hand cream if and when you remember
and hope for the best or do you truly take care of your hands using an SPF daily?
I'm guessing most are like myself and don't bother with an SPF unless rubbing in
the excess of your SPF for your face/body counts...which it probably doesn't!

If so let me introduce you to Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream
which was invented after Clinique customers said that they were using their Clinique Even Better Dark Spot
Lotion on their hands and finding the results impressive but wanted something targeted specifically
for hand care thus Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream with SPF 15 was born!

Obviously Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream moisturises the hands as any hand cream does but it helps to fade dark spots of the hands and brighten the skin.
Even if like myself you have chubby little baby hands that look like they belong to a 10 year old
it's never too earlier to start preventing from future damage as well as hydrating the skin.
The formula is light, non greasy and scent free not to mention that each application will survive
three hand washes and that includes the SPF element too!

Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream 75ml/£22.50 which is available online now
ahead of it launching on the counters next month! Get it first here - link.