I know that "crackle" nail polishes have been done to death
and like most I was never a huge fan of the movement, it's too messy for my liking.
I guess the general idea is lazy nail art?
So how do we feel about the newest additions - glitter versions?

MUA have launched a line of glitter crackle type top coats - six shades in total.
That do crackle but for some reason the glitter gives the crackle a much more subtle effect.
Glitter subtle? I know what a complete oxymoron but the results speak for themselves.
The quake polish dries quick and to a matte like finish,
I found it to be great for covering up minor tip wear of a few day old polish
but I recommend a coat of topcoat or the quake polish will be all but gone after a few hours of wear.

I applied shade Green over O.P.I Russian Navy which gives a Poison Ivy
or Wicked Witch sort of effect, all I can see is the musical Wicked when I look at my hands haha!

So what do you you think about glitter crackle top coats?
Availability - Superdrug and MUA store - link £2.99

The above product/s were sent for consideration of review.
I was not compensated in any shape or form.
All opinions expressed are my own and 100% honest as always!