February in 5 Beauty Tasks

It's the first Monday of February and I am raring to go - either that or I'm still hyped up from last nights Super Bowl sugar rush - I have a million and one things I'd like to achieve before the end of 2018. Yes most of my New Year's resolutions are now redundant and my super expensive daily planner is collecting dust on my bookshelf, but I do have achievable aims for the next few weeks ahead, some of which you might want to add to your to-do list?

1, Be ruthless with my make-up brush collection, I own more brushes than I could ever need nor want and as I'm not a professional make-up artist there really is no need for me to frankly hoard quite so many - especially as I use the same five or so brushes religiously anyway. If I'm also entirely honest with myself, a good few brushes have seen better days and really should be thrown in the scrapheap.

2, Curate a daily essentials beauty bag - I waste so much time in the morning getting ready because I flit from room to room getting ready and as such I have make-up and skincare items scattered all throughout my apartment. It would be so much more time efficient (not to mention tidier) if I stashed all the items I can't be without in the morning in one neat little bag and of course kept said bag in one place too. It would also be handy, when travelling to have a ready-made bag for my suitcase instead of scouring the lounge for my trusty bottle of mascara.

3, Switch to lighter formulations - My skin is oily, heavier formulations be it skincare or make-up tend to clog my pores and yet in the depths of Winter I find that sometimes it is a necessary evil. Thankfully, it seems the worst of Winter is over and as such my skin doesn't feel nearly as dehydrated as it once did, so I think the time is now to seek out more gel based lotions and potions, and maybe swap back to a lighter coverage foundation. I'm looking forward to my skin feeling like it can breathe again.

4, Drink more water - I have no excuses: I work from home, I have a water filter, I have a glass bottle and I have the time, I really need to step away from soda and start guzzling down more water, goodness knows my skin needs all the help it can get. I've also started working out with a personal trainer so it makes no sense to be investing in myself and health in such a big way, only to go home and ruin any would be results by cracking open a two litre bottle of Cherry Coke (it is my downfall). I'm going to aim to drink 4 cups of water a day to begin with and slowly but surely up my intake over the course of the coming weeks.

5, Learn new techniques - Have you ever sworn a beauty product wasn't for you, only to find that if you mix it with something else, or use it in a different way than intended and suddenly you can't be without it? Well as one my biggest goals for the year ahead is to use more and buy less, I plan on utilising YouTube and beauty blogs to their full potential and reading up on less conventional approaches to make-up and beauty products.

I also need to de-clutter my entire bathroom and bedroom of half-used and probably expired beauty products, have a general cull of my mascara collection and of course deep cleanse all my beauty blenders but one thing at a time huh?