For the last few months I have published a list of suggested blog post prompts for anyone and everyone to use should the wish. Now I really do enjoy typing up this kind of post but do feel that the world of blogging is over saturated with posts of this type and that there is more than enough ideas out there to keep us all going. With this in mind, I have decided that this will be my last blogging prompt post and what better way to end it with an idea for everyday left of 2016 - yep 150 post ideas all in one place.
As you will discover, the prompts are fairly vague so that they are open to interpretation and allow complete freedom for you to create your own original blog posts - feel free to use as many as you wish.
1, Your beauty story
2, Your everyday make-up
3, The products you use because of someone else
4, The products you hope are never discontinued and why.
5, The products that were discontinued that you hope will make a come back.
6, Your first upper end beauty purchase.
7, Your first trip to MAC or the beauty hall.
8, What UK beauty products you recommend to those visiting.
9, What US beauty products you recommend to those visiting.
10, The difficult to source beauty products that are worth the effort of tracking down.
11, Your desert island beauty picks and why.
12, The best beauty advice you've ever been given.
13, Your best beauty tips.
14, Beauty advice from your mother/grandmother.
15, What beauty tips you have learnt from having a sister (or cousin etc).
16, The unconventional ways you use beauty products.
17, Your must try beauty tools and why.
18, How do you apply your make-up - maybe your not a fan of beauty tools?
19, Festival beauty - how do you survive?
20, The best budget beauty brands to try.
21, Your best budget beauty find and why?
22. Your most treasured beauty item and why?
23, The beauty products you'd never repurchase and why?
24, The beauty products you will forever add to your basket and why?
25, The most ridiculous piece of beauty advice you've ever been given.
26, The current beauty trends you are embracing and why?
27, The current beauty trends you are avoiding and why?
28, Your biggest beauty regret.
29, The best high end beauty brands to try.
30, Have you ever had a terrible in-store make over?
31, Do you pay attention to product expiry dates?
32, Do you have a Sephora wish list?
33, More importantly do you wish Sephora would come to the UK?
35, Does any celebrity inspire your beauty routine?
36, What beauty products do you purchase from eBay?
37, What about Amazon beauty?
38, What are your favourite online beauty destinations?
39, What beauty collection did you miss out on that you would love to own, even to this very day?
40, Have you shared how you store your beauty products?
41, Or your nail polishes and beauty tools?
42, What was the first ever piece of make-up you bought or were gifted?
43, What is your favourite make-up memory?
44, How has your make-up style changed over the years?
45, What beauty trend are you so over?
46, What beauty product have you recommended to just about all that will listen?
47, Have you ever had an allergic reaction to make-up?
48, What make-up item do you never use and why?
49, Your teen beauty years?
50, What advice would you give to those just starting out with make-up?
1, A guide to surviving the humid weather - clothing, make-up, skincare - it's up to you.
2, A guide to surviving cold weather - beauty, lifestyle or whatever tickles your fancy.
3, The best seasonal lipsticks: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.
4, A guide to seasonal nail art: you could include holidays such as Christmas and Halloween.
5, Haircare for every weather and event.
6, How to care for your skin in every climate.
7, Are you guilty of neglecting your hair/skin/nails in any particular season and why?
8, NYE beauty tutorials and suggestions such as a subtle way to wear glitter etc.
9, Halloween make-up tutorials, suggestions or inspiration.
10, The best seasonal scents - again you can use any season and/or holiday.
From one blogger to another
1, How to stay positive.
2, How to make the most of social media when blogging.
3, How you have built your channels: Instagram, Twitter, Blog, YouTube etc.
4, How to best use Snapchat - maybe add some tips etc.
5, How and why you started your blog.
6, Is there anything you regret from your blogging past?
7, Is there anything you'd do differently if you could in regards to blogging.
8, Who are your favourite blogs - this could be several posts covering various genres.
9, What websites do you find beneficial as a blogger.
10, How and where do you garner inspiration for blog posts.
11, How do you plan blog posts - if at all.
12, Photography tips and advice.
13, What do you do when stuck in a blogging rut.
14, Is blogging your full time job or is it a hobby - would you change this.
15, Your blogging story - how you came into blogging and maybe the highs/lows of your experience thus far.
16, Have you ever quit blogging and if so why?
17, Who/what inspires you as a blogger?
18, What is your ultimate blogging goals and inspirations?
19, What bugs you about the blogging world?
20, Why you are proud to be a blogger and of fellow bloggers.
21, What is the future of blogging?
22, Who/what are your favourite YouTube accounts to follow?
23, What is your blogging kit?
24, Does blogging need to be expensive?
25, Have you ever built anything purely for blogging purposes i.e backgrounds, props etc
26, What is your advice for finding the ideal place for shooting photos.
27, Do you have any tips for blogging productivity?
28, Rather weirdly (perhaps?) do you have a blogging music playlist?
29, What about a blogging Q&A in which you answer any burning questions.
30, A little taboo perhaps but perhaps a post about monetizing your blog and sponsored posts?
1, Basic but a food diary is always interesting.
2, Do you exercise, if so what do you do?
3, Have you always found exercise fun - if not, how did you overcome it?
4, How do you stick to a healthy routine and make time for exercise?
5, Where do you purchase your fitness wear?
6, Do you have any quick and nutritious meals when time is not on your side?
7, How do you make time to work out?
8, How do you make your home, a home?
9, Do you have any space saving tips?
10, How do you budget for the things you want?
11, Do you have any money saving tips?
12, Do you have any life goals or ambitions?
13, What is your biggest achievement to date?
14, What are you most proud of and why?
15, Have you overcome anything that you'd like to share?
16, What are you currently reading or watching?
17, What is your favourite film and/or book of all time?
18, Who or what is your biggest style inspiration - personal/home/fashion etc
19, How do you use Pinterest for your home and other aspects of life.
20, How do you relax at home?
1, Where is your favourite place to visit in the world?
2, Where is the most inspiring place you have ever been?
3, Do you have a travel bucket list so to speak?
4, What are your lesser known travel essentials?
5, Do you have any general travel tips?
6, Do you have any travel horror stories - y'know to help others avoid a similar situation.
7, How do you survive long haul flights?
8, How do you pack to suit every occasion and weather scenario?
9, A guide to your city?
10, How to save money while you travel?
11, What is great about where you live?
12, Have you ever staycationed?
13, If so how do you pack and prepare for such event?
14, Do you have any travel advice for those with kids?
15, Have you ever traveled with pets? Was it eventful.
16, Have you ever camped? Would you recommend it?
17, Have you ever traveled for a major event such a music festival?
18, Speaking of such, how do you pack for a festival?
19, Where is the most bizarre place you have ever visited?
20, Have you ever been stranded somewhere abroad due to unforeseeable conditions?
1, Wishlists, everybody loves a good wishlist and as it so broad you can use the idea more than once.
2, If you have a tattoo/s/piercing/s you could offer an insightful post about what to expect and how to best heal each body modification.
3, A letter to your younger self.
4, A letter to your future self.
5, Perhaps a post all about your other hobbies and why you enjoy them?
6, Your further education experience if you choose that path.
7, If you didn't you could perhaps write about why you did not, as it is not for everyone.
8, If you have any experience with employment, you could offer interview advice.
9, Have you emigrated? Was it what you expected and would you recommend it?
10, If you have left home you could offer advice on how to best prepare for leaving the nest.
11, Again maybe not the most conventional blog post but what has adulthood thrown your way that you wish someone had perhaps warned you about?
12, What is inside your bag - it doesn't have to be beauty related.
13, What are your everyday essentials - again not necessarily beauty, it could be gum, water et al.
14, What is your self-care routine - it doesn't have to involve a bath or beauty products.
15, When did you last step out of your comfort zone.
16, Never mind what you can teach fellow bloggers, what has blogging taught you.
17, What is the best piece of advice you have ever received.
18, How would you spend your last ten pounds/dollars.
19, If money was no object where would you go and what would you purchase.
20, A guide to basic SEO - so helpful but so confusing.
And that is all folks - there will be no more prompt posts from me for the rest of 2016 but I'm sure a few of the ideas above will spark a few concepts of your own.
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