It seems not that long ago that I was blogging about November's empties and now I'm sitting here scrutinizing various empty pots and bottles once more, debating what I'd repurchase and what I wouldn't.
I can't be the only one finds finishing an beauty product strangely elating, a sense of achievement
followed by a pang of remorse and dread as you will more than likely have to repurchase.
Oh the mind of a beauty blogger is a curious place to dwell haha!

I know most like to save up all their empties and do one post but I can't really handle
having lots of empty products around me (I blame the TV programme A Life of Grime)
and I prefer just to do a few mini posts a month...I hope this doesn't bother anyone?

Lee Stafford Growth Treatment (on a 3 for 2 offer at Boots) - link

Does anyone else look at other girls with hair the exact same if not shorter than their own only and think
"gosh such and such has long hair", yet you feel your own is short?
That probably makes no sense at all, basically what I'm saying is I have hair blindness and my hair is
much longer than I like to believe.
A year ago my hair was chin length and now it is bra strap length (what specific measurements which are sure to replace the metric system at some point, I jest obviously) and one of the products I do credit for
aiding it's growth is Lee Stafford's Growth Treatment.
I do see hair growth results with this but I will be honest and say you have to really stick with it
and use it at least twice a week.

Lee Stafford Breaking Hair Treatment (on a 3 for 2 offer at Boots) - link

As mentioned a few posts back this was a happy accident purchase,
the pretty pink tub is identical all but the labelling to the Growth Treatment by this brand
and I absent mindedly picked this up along with two Growth Treatments.
All that aside I can not recommend this deep conditioner enough, if like myself you have thick
and unruly hair then you do need to purchase a tub of this miracle worker.
It conditions deeply and leaves my hair as soft as silk, a new holy grail product for me.

Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic - link

This is the one toning product I can not be without and is the only toning product that gets my stamp of approval, that's how much I adore it!
Before Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic I never fully understood the fuss or point of toner
but this light liquid soothes and calms my skin not to mention it ensures that every single scrap of make-up and grime is removed from my skin not to mention it smells rather divine.
I can't recommend it enough and if you do plump for a bottle I suggest the spritzer bottle which is 50p
more expensive but so much easier and convenient to use.

Batiste Tropical Dry Shampoo - link

I always have a few bottles of dry shampoo by Batiste in my bathroom cabinet for in between wash hair days, there's not really much I can say about it other that it smells like coconut, disguises greasy roots
and can be used to tease a little volume into the hair of needed.

Have you collected any empties recently?