Haha awwwh love this! :D My cat was doing something similar last night - https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/558315_10151139297067884_600364854_n.jpg xx
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hahahah how adorable, i love the things cats get up to!
ReplyDeleteSophierosehearts x
Haha awwwh love this! :D My cat was doing something similar last night - https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/558315_10151139297067884_600364854_n.jpg xx
ReplyDeleteLove your cat! I have two black cats running in my house/room/bed too haha.
ReplyDeleteI love this one moment with my cat(who happened to be Black to), when I walked into my bathroom and he was sleeping in the sink. SO funny!
ReplyDeleteAwww bless! If the cat controls the remote, it controls the whole house! Aha!
How lovely! I had a cat like your time ago, even if I have others now,I miss him so much :(
awww so cute! Looks exactly like my cat, Paris - except mine is a little chubbier :P haha xx
ReplyDeletehaha...that's right! ^_~
ReplyDeleteI can't get over how similar your cat looks to my youngest!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! :)