Well picking up my weekly shop at Asda I noticed a tiny stand advertising a duo of mascara
and eye primer for less than £4, I recall reading about George make-up on various blogs
but couldn't for the life of my recall if such posts suggested the products were poor or otherwise.
My local Asda doesn't actually sell cosmetics other than Girls Aloud false eyelashes
so the novelty of being able to purchase something some what cosmetic 
was too much for me to pass up haha!

Looking at the products you can clearly see that the packaging has been heavily influenced 
by leading cosmetic brands on the high street - the mascara packaging and name
reminds me very much of Maybelline's Falsies Mascara it even shares the spoon style mascara wand!
The primer is some what generic looking and I guess is most reminiscent of a L'Oreal product
in terms of packaging, sleek, white and pearlescent. 

I opened the mascara and the first thing I noticed was the strong smell,
it is reminiscent of old lady style perfume...y'know their Sunday best to impress the church?
The scent is far to strong for anyone with sensitive eyes like myself to put anywhere near their eyelashes,
I know for a fact a highly perfumed product that close to my eye is only going to result in lots of tears.
I did however swatch it on paper and the formula appears to be thick and fairly dry in consistency 
that is a strong black shade, the brush is sturdy and a good size.
This could be a great mascara but I just didn't fancy the painful eye problems in the process.

The Eye Primer promises to be a smoothing base, covers, hold eye make-up in place
and minimise eye creasing to boot.
The product itself is a light orange based beige that is heavy on the silicon
so much so that applying it and getting the product to sink in is a bit of a nightmare.
I blended and blended with no avail all the primer did was present me with little flakes of silicon
that on the skin looks like flaky dead skin, not a look I am really going for!
I do want to point out that I had a similar problem in the past with a spoiled eye cream shadow
in the past which makes me wonder if perhaps this is a dud too?
I tested this out on my hand and awoke the next day with a tiny little red rash where it had been
so I guess I am going to have to be really careful with silicon products from now on!
Good job I didn't apply this to my eye area eh?

Have you tried this duo or any other George at Asda Cosmetics?
How did your experience fair?