Recently I have got into body brushing as a way to keep cellulite at bay,
in all honesty my thighs and derrière (oh la la) aren't dimply but as always prevention is better than a cure
and body brushing is a great way to boost the circulation and exfoliate.
Along with brushing I have been applying Clarins Contour Body Treatment to help flush toxins!
I'm sure we are all stepping up our game in preparation of the Summer?

Clarins Contour Anti-Eau Body Treatment  comes in a large glass bottle 
that is very true to Clarins packaging style - simple and classic.
The oil is a mixture of essential oils such as Geranium, Marjoram and Lemon - the Geranium is what
comes through most dominative in terms of scent, which is a strong floral type fragrance.

The idea is that you apply this oil to damp skin from the ankles up to the thighs in the evening,
massaging as you go - once done I allow it to soak in for 5 minutes before showering off.
The oil helps to eliminate excess fluids and toxins as well as soothing tired legs.
It immediately absorbs into the skin and does not feel overly greasy even for an oil based product
and when washed off all you are left with is soft skin no oily residue.
Clairns Contour Body Treatment is ideal for relieving, toning and refining swollen legs that may feel heavy!
The essential oils such as Geranium help to flush toxins and deliver fluid release.

I do not use Clarins Contour Anti-Eau Body Treatment nightly
rather I keep it for when my legs ache after a long day,so maybe twice to three times a week at the most.
My legs are seldom swollen but in order to get them in the best shape for summer (who wears short shorts?)
I have been massaging the oil into my legs to help detox that area in a sense.
I haven't really noticed much in the fluid and toxin side of things 
but I'm unsure how you would even gauge such results?
What I have seen is that my thighs feel and look tighter and that the skin on my legs is silky smooth,
the skin on my legs not only feels firmer but appears smoother and generally looks better in tone.
Now I'm not going to lie and say you'll loose inches from your thighs by using this because you won't
but what you will notice is that the skin is tauter and looks firmer too!
As mentioned I do use this when I have achy legs and it does soothe instantly and generally relaxes me
not to mention that the oil makes brushing afterwards a complete breeze.

Clarins Contour Anti-Eau Body Treatment (S) available from Clarins Counters 
and via their web page - link £36/100ml