A few weeks back I reviewed a Clarins Oil for dry skin - link
and although it worked a treat on my skin it wasn't best suited to my oily skin.
The lovely team at Clarins asked me to test the re-balancing Lotus formula to see how it faired.

As with all of the Clarins Facial Oils this comes in a glass bottle with a dropper dispenser.
The dropper dispenser is great for controlling the exact amount of oil that is used each application.
Admittedly the glass bottle is not ideal for travel but you can adjust that by dispensing a small amount
of product into a small travel bottle.

The Lotus Face treatment oil is specifically formulated for oily/combination skin
in order to purify, balance and improved combination to oily skin types.
It contains essential oils such as rosemary and geranium to balance sebum production (oil)
and to aid the purification of the skin, while the lotus extract refines the skin.
I found the geranium oil to be the most predominate in terms of scent.

I will be the first to state that initially I found the concept on lacing oil on oily skin ludicrous
but it works surprisingly well and unlike traditional moisturising creams/lotions it is instantly
soaked into the skin and does not simply sit on the skin.
I also like how little of the product I have to use - I use one tiny drop and that is more than 
suffice for my skin and skin's needs.
Once you have applied the oil and massaged it into the skin it is undetectable completely,
it leaves behind no greasy oil residue but feels luxurious and light!
I don't require a great deal of moisture having oily skin but I do like to attempt to rebalance my skin
and I feel this oil helps to control the production of oil on my face and gives moisture where needed.
I enjoy how light this treatment feels and do recommend giving it a whirl if you have oily/combination skin.

30ml/£29 - Clarins Counters and stockists - link

The above product/s were sent for consideration of review.
I was not compensated in any shape or form.
All opinions expressed are my own and 100% honest as always!