The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel

I apologise for all the recent strawberry posts
if you have been lusting after some juicy strawberries after reading such posts
let me tell you, you have not been missing much!
The ones I have had recently have been horrid, out of season and brick hard!

The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel

Tales of fruit woe aside let's crack on with the review.
At the moment I am actually using the coconut version of this shower gel 
so I asked my sister to road test this variation and report back,
one such benefit of having a large family.

The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel

This has the same tangy and sweet strawberry scent as all the other products in the Strawberry range.
it is not as tart as I had imagined it to be,
now there is no denying that the Strawberry scent is sweet 
but luckily it is not sickly sweet.
Rather it is mild and very feminine if that at all makes sense,
it lingers on the skin without over powering.

The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel

Now the shower gel is thick and soaps extremely easily
with the use of a loofah you will only need the tiniest amount to shower with.
The shower gel does not dry the skin out but leaves it soft and subtly scented.
One other thing is that you can also pour this into a running bath for oodles of strawberry bubbles!

The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel

The bottle in the above photos is of course a mini sized bottle
but the full size bottle costs £4 for 250ml - link.