With Mothers Day just around the corner and no doubt several birthdays on the way too, you may be considering purchasing beauty items for some loved ones?
Easier said then done in most cases...
We've all been there stood in the likes of the Debenhams beauty hall presented with countless counters with no real idea where to start and only good intentions. Before you know it you've been tempted by a glittery nail polish and shiny new lip gloss for yourself (of course). To avoid this I do recommend scouring the web for which ever beauty item it is that you have decided will be a great gift that way you will be less tempted to grab an item or two for yourself. I often find that there is more discounts be they a code or not (scour twitter and voucher forums for discount codes) to be had online than in-store.
All that advice is fine and dandy but we seem to missing the point that to purchase a gift you have to have an idea which is slightly more tricky than normal when it comes to beauty product. Generally speaking I avoid purchasing anyone a random fragrance as we are all rather selective in that field - a re-purchase of someone's signature scent not a problem but anything on a whim no. I once bought a friend a bottle of a limited edition Escada offering that really wasn't her because I thought she'd like the free beach towel. She did, the pretty passion fruit based fragrance not so much. I think the safest route when it comes to guessing for a fellow female is to go down the safe route i.e a nail polish, a lipstick or even a blush if you are feeling fruity. Come think of it a mascara would also be great as it is essentially a staple for us all.
Why a lipstick or a nail polish? It's easier to see what shade your friend or loved one gravitates towards without raiding their make-up bag. A quick glance of their lips or nails and you have your general answer: corals, reds, nude hues etc, etc. If that sounds like too much work purchase a cute kit (Benefit Cosmetics and on occasion MAC do these rather well), who doesn't love cute.
When it comes to men I hold my hands up and admit to being rather clueless and fall into the if it ain't broke don't fix it category a.k.a a repurchase of their chosen aftershave. I did once risk it and hit my local Origins counter to come home armed with a few essential goodies which did go down a treat. The only problem with that is it encourages said male to raid your stash once his supply runs out ha!
Have you ever bought what you thought was a great beauty gift only for it to not go down well or do you have any advice? I'd love to hear, better still if you have the time I would love for you to fill in this quick survey (thank you if you do!) - link.
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