Greenland Foot Care Set

I hope I am not alone in saying that I covet products that aren't as readily in the UK more so than those I can pick up with ease - I guess it is a case of the grass is always greener. Whenever I leave the UK I will scour which ever country I am in for brands that I can't always purchase with ease at home. I have an odd fascination with the Netherlands and would love nothing more than to live there one day so it pleases me to announce that a brand from such country is now available within the UK. Let me introduce you to Greenland.

Greenland Foot Care Set
Greenland Foot Care Set

Greenland is an organic brand that only use natural products and oils to create their products which pretty much cater to all your body's whims. Recently I have been getting to grip with Greenland's Foot Care Set which includes all you need to unleash a new lease of life into those poor neglected tootsies. The Greenland Foot Care Set contains a mint lavender foot scrub, a mint lavender foot lotion and an exfoliating glove. Normally mint and lavender scents never really creep onto my radar by the mint addition freshens the feet where as the lavender is gentle and soothing. An odd scent combination yes but oddly it works!

To really soften your feet and heels for that matter I recommend grabbing a basin and filling it with warm water and maybe pop in a hydrating bubble bath, bath oil or shower gel to help soften the skin. Next I like to combine Greenland's Foot Scrub with the exfoliating glove to really slough off dry and dead skin, the trick is to take your time and not scrub too hard as the last thing you want is painful feet! After you have buffed your feet to your satisfaction thoroughly dry them and then apply a layer of Greenland's Foot Lotion. If you want to intensify the hydration level I recommend applying another layer of Greenland's Foot Lotion before bed and sleeping with cotton socks on.

Greenland Foot Care Set* is not currently online as of yet but you can purchase the products individually here - link
-* PR Sample sent for consideration of review.

Random Fact - The United States produces more than 70% of the world’s supply of peppermint and spearmint.