Caudalie Beauty Elixir

Caudalie Beauty Elixir
Caudalie Beauty Elixir

Last year the beauty world was ablaze with reviews of Caudalie Beauty Elixir and truthfully it never really appealed to me. As blunt as this may sound if you have seen one facial mist you've seen them all and I've yet to find one that does little more than refresh the skin, great every now and then but far from an essential in my humble opinion.

Firstly I loathe and I mean loathe the scent of Caudalie Beauty Elixir it is somewhat like mint but no-where near as fresh. I'm not quite sure how to describe the fragrance but it is not one I enjoy and I'm not the most picky person when it comes to skin care scents. However others do seem to enjoy it like all things it does boil down to personal preference.

Basically Caudalie Beauty Elixir is a beauty water but apparently one with a difference it claims to tone, refresh and tighten the pores in one quick step and others have claimed that it has helped to fight blemishes and set make-up too. Sadly I am not convinced, yes it does refresh the skin there is no disputing that without  leaving the skin feeling wet or tacky (it has a finer mist than most sprays) and can be used over make-up too which is always wonderful particularly in the warm months. However other than that I have yet to experience any benefits - it doesn't leave my skin feeling tight nor would I say it is suitable to set make-up. Truthfully I fail to see the hype and as much as I enjoy Caudalie skin care products this is not for me but I do seem to be in the minority here!

Caudalie Beauty Elixir* £32 via Selfridges - link
-*PR Sample sent for consideration of review.

Random Fact - The most common name in the world is Mohammed yet I know no-one of this name?