I have a little bit of a handbag secret and by that I mean I have a perfume that I truly love
but it's not really one that I will willingly whip out and spray in public as it is part of the Paris Hilton brand.
I'm sure when she's not putting on a silly baby voice, stating things are hot and embellishing everything 
that doesn't move in rhinestones that's she's an upstanding citizen but lets face it cool she is not!

With this in mind it pains me greatly to say that her "Paris Hilton" scent is truly beautiful,
fresh, fruity and super feminine without being sickly sweet or childish.
Each time I spray this scent on I gain comment galore of what it is I'm wearing and I'm always half tempted
to lie and make up some obscure brand alas I don't and state Paris Hilton through gritted teeth
which prompts a chorus of no-ways and you're kidding me's!

This is not the only slightly tacky celebrity perfume that I have been known to adore
at one point I went through a phase of wearing Mariah Carey's perfume...oops!

Do you have a scent that you'd rather keep quite about?

Paris Hilton Eau de Parfume is rather cheap and cheerful at £8.99/50ml 
and is available from Fragrance Direct - link