Part two of three on How I Blog, please don't take anything as law
it is merely an insight on How I Blog with a little advice thrown in for good measure.
As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask
same applies if you have something to add :)

How I Blog Part 3

I tend to review in a set structure but that is my purely through habit,
if I don't have a set list of things that I feel I must cover then I tend to ramble
and go completely off track, resulting in a useless review
(some may feel they are pointless even with a structure haha)
Jot down everything you want to gleam over in your review
and build your paragraphs around said list, I just use key words like you can see in my photos.

I also find that readers appreciate text split with a photo or two.
I know as an avid reader of oh so many blogs that if a post is lengthy
and has no images to coincide, my eyes become overwhelmed and tired before I even begin!

How I Blog Part 3

Scheduling and Planning 
I make lists about everything, I even make lists about lists...would be funnier if I was kidding.
In order to keep on top of everything I have to blog about I make lists and then use a daily planner to plan
what times and dates selected posts go live, a little anal (seriously I do not have a thing about bum's I promise) I know but I like to keep on track of everything.
I also have a box to keep my 'To Blog About" products in that way nothing goes missing etc.

How I Blog Part 3

As I type posts in bulk when testing out a product I keep a note pad or use my phone
throughout the day to keep little notes on how the product preforms,
that way when I go to type the post I have little 'refreshers' to keep me on track
and not skim over anything crucial.

I schedule the vast majority of my posts as I personally find it makes me more productive.
However I know some hate that process and like to write when inspriation strikes,
what I will say is that it helps to have a few posts stored as drafts for when writers block sets in,
that way you have a few posts to tide you over so you can step away from your blog for a little while
and recoup but that of course is just a suggestion.

How I Blog Part 3

How often should I post is a question I have had many a time in my inbox
but there is no wrong or right answer, post as often as you desire.
Of course with frequent posts comes more views and naturally more viewers
but don't bite off more than you can chew and don't post just for the sake of it.
I mean does any one really need to see a regurgitated press release that has been copied
and pasted from Temptalia? Nope!
Original content will always get you more views, comments and respect
than a straight up copy and paste effort.

*All images are courtesy of, should any belong to you and 
you wish it to be removed please get in touch.