This is my final post out of three updates, to read about how the ReAura works a
and for my initial impressions please refer to this post - link and also this post - link.
Basically the Phillips ReAura Laser Skin Rejuvenation is a hand held tool
that you can use to fade age spots, skin pigmentation issues and fine lines
over a course of eight weeks.

Well the 8 weeks are now over and it is time to reflect on my experience 
and let you know how well it worked for me.
As I am not quite at the age where wrinkles/age spots are a massive concern I decided that to trial
the Phillips ReAura on a dark patch of skin discolouration on my knee in the hope to fade it somewhat.

To begin with using the ReAura was a breeze to use and cause minimal pain and fuss,
then around the fifth treatment I found it to be rather painful and something I dreaded using
but I can say that my sixth treatment went much better and wasn't quite as painful
with the remaining treatments being even more comfortable which was wonderful.
I do find it odd that my fifth treatment hurt yet the rest were uncomfortable at some points
but nothing really worth grumbling about which leads me to believe that perhaps
I was a little run down around the fifth treatment?

So am I happy with the final results, yes and no.
Yes I am over the moon that the ReAura has faded my pigmentation patch by around 3 shades
but not so happy that I would call it a day and never re-use the ReAura again.
I'm going to have a little break of a month or so and then try again
to see if I can completely fade the patch away,
if I do you will all be the first to know.

Have you tried the ReAura, or would you?

Philips ReAura Laser Skin Rejuvenation £799  - link

- I have been sponsored to test this but the opinions in this post and my follow up's are my own.